CodeTyphon 0.999beta released

image CodeTyphon is a "Pascal Programming Platform",
with Lazarus+FPC+Tools+Free Components+Free Libraries and all these with full source.
Is a Distribution of Lazarus IDE and FreePascal compiler…

updated from 0.998

======> 28-02-2010 ver 0.999 =================================================

   -Update CTC UPX tool
   -Update CTC Srtip tool
   -Update GDB for Win32 to Version 7.0.50 SVN 24-12-2009
   -Update GDB for Win64 to Version 7.0.50 SVN 24-12-2009

NOTE:  Lazarus 0.9.29   Source from SVN 16-02-2010 Rev 23716
       FreePascal 2.5.1 Source from SVN 28-02-2010
 Rev 14958

read more:  CodeTyphon


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