WordPress “wp to twitter” plugin “error shortening your URL”

The WP-to-Twitter plugin posts a Twitter status update from your WordPress blog using either the Cli.gs or Bit.ly URL shortening services to provide a link back to your post from Twitter.


Now, I found that there’s a Error message:

There’s been an error shortening your URL! Visit your WP to Twitter settings page to get more information and to clear this error message.

when you enter the plugin options page:


other error reference :http://wordpress.org/support/topic/367742

even you change other url-shorten service,the error exists.

and now the new version 2.1.1 is released and error still exists.

no solution now,if you have know how ,post here. thanks.

WordPress “wp to twitter” plugin “error shortening your URL”》有一个想法


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