DDevExtensions 1.9.2 bug修复更新


  • Version 1.9.2 (2008-11-20)
    • Fixed: Find Unit didn’t work correctly for relative search/browsing paths
    • Fixed: Use Unit dialog inserted the selected unit at the wrong position if there were multi-byte chars in the editor
  • Version 1.9.1 (2008-10-02)
    • Fixed: “Use unit” dialog: “Generics.Collections” was added to the uses list as “Collections”
    • Fixed: ProjectSettings feature is now removed completely
    • Added: “Set Versioninfo” allows to change CompanyName and LegalCopyright
    • Added: ComponentSelector is back but disabled by default


Andy’s Blog and Tools » DDevExtensions 1.9.2

DDevExtensions 1.9发布——支持Delphi2009


  • Added: Support for Delphi 2009
  • Added: Compiler-Dialog: AutoSave after successful compile (default: off)
  • Added: OldPalette: AlphaSort option for the palette popup menu
  • Added: OldPalette supports “Small Fonts” for the tab font
  • Added: “Close all and terminate” by keeping the CTRL key pressed while closing the IDE (from DelphiSpeedUp)
  • Added: Disable package cache option (from DelphiSpeedUp)
  • Added: Shows waiting cursor while loading designtime package (from DelphiSpeedUp)
  • Added: Option to enable the IDE’s “User can cancel kibitzing” feature [CodeCompletion and HelpInsight can be aborted by ESC/mouse move]
  • Added: The “Add to implementation” checkbox in the “Use Unit” Dialog can be switch by pressing the SHIFT-key
  • Renabled: Editor Focus bugfix (bug still exists)
  • Removed: Delphi 5-2007 support
  • Removed: ComponentSelector (superseded by Delphi’s ToolPalette search edit)
  • Removed: CompilerEnhancements (superseded by the new project warning options)
  • Removed: FormDesigner Alt key disables guide lines (superseded by Delphi 2009’s implementation)



Delphi IDE插件之:DDevExtensions

DDevExtensions adds new productivty features to the Delphi/C++Builder IDE.
Download page

  • 在多项目的项目组添加版本信息设置
  • 在编译或者执行一个项目时,添加一个备份系统用于备份没有保存的文件
  • 增强View Units, View Forms and Use Units 对话框
  • 扩展Use Units 对话框
  • 编译对话框添加进度条
  • 添加成功编译后自动保存的选项
  • 扩展HOME和TAB、shift-TAB快捷键
  • Ctrl+Left/Right 在VisualStudio和其他编辑器中的类似功能
  • 运行删除.ddp文件,空model和空__history目录
  • 能取消Source modified. Rebuild?对话框
  • 恢复Delphi7类似的组件栏
  • 运行取消包缓存



【转自】DelphiSpeedUp Delphi/BCB/BDS IDE plugin